To Wellness...and Beyond! Webinar Recording
Natalie Johnson, MS, Co-Founder and CVO, ViDL Solutions
When we take care of ourselves, the impact of our wellness extends far beyond our personal being, to our families, patients, workplace and community. After a difficult time of sustained stress, change and constant demand - for example, the pandemic - an opportunity exists to utilize the experience to improve ourselves and our impact on those around us. In the context of healthcare, we can improve safety, processes and systems for patients through a better understanding of our own wellness. This 1-hour experience highlights the evidence surrounding wellbeing and patient outcomes, focusing on how to move in a healthier direction personally, professionally, and organizationally. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number 12205 for 1 contact hour.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the webinar, the participant should be able to:
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of the webinar, the participant should be able to:
- Clarify the connection between wellbeing, safety and organizational outcomes
- Understand the importance of a holistic wellbeing approach
- Differentiate between overwhelm, burnout and moral injury
- Describe consequences of prioritizing work over our own health
- Review impact of self-awareness and self-compassion on our ability to create resilience from our current and future experiences
- Practice skills to self-regulate emotions to match your response with the circumstance
- Employ strategies to create wellbeing for ourselves and others