The Shocking Truth: Job-Related Issues Leading to Suicide amongst Nurses - Webinar Recording
Judy E. Davidson DNP RN MCCM FAAN, Marie Manthey, PhD (hon), MNA, FAAN, FRCN
Risk factors for suicide within the nursing profession exist in abundance. Through caring for our nurses, we care for our patients, organization and community. This one-hour discussion sheds light on actionable mental health issues amongst nurses, evidence-based approaches for risk detection and referral to treatment, and individual and healthcare system approaches to optimizing workplace wellness to prevent suicide in the profession. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number 12205 for 1 contact hour.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the webinar, the participant should be able to:
By the end of this program the participant will be able to:
- Identify mental health risks amongst nurses.
- Describe evidence-based approaches to risk detection and referral for treatment.
- Describe leadership actions that can be taken to reduce risk of nurse suicide.