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1 Hour
Jul 15, 2021
Save My Spot

Skin in the Time of COVID-19 - Webinar 2021


Holly Kirkland-Kyhn, PhD, FNP, GNP, CWCN, FAANP & Emma Blackmon PhD, RN, CCRN


Treating a patient admitted with COVID-19 means more than battling the virus. What many people may not realize is that secondary issues, but of equal importance, emerge as pressure ulcer/injuries must be distinguished from the disease or medication related skin lesions. The phenomenon of COVID-19 lesions is difficult to distinguish from pressure ulcers or pressure injuries. Are these lesions caused by COVID-19 related micro-vascular injury or related to medication used in treatment? This program will help you distinguish between hospital acquired pressure ulcers and COVID-19 related skin lesions. Expert speakers discuss interventions used for best outcomes, identification, and documentation. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number 12205 for 1 contact hour.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the webinar, the participant should be able to:

  1. Name at least two interventions for the prevention of pressure ulcer/injuries in the hospital
  3. Identify at least two skin lesions associated with patients who have COVID-19
  5. Utilize the Acute Care Risk Assessment card to identify high risk for development of Deep Tissue Injuries that evolve to stage 3, 4, and unstageable pressure ulcer/injuries in acute care hospitals
  7. Name supplies for pressure ulcer prevention that can be sent with patient at discharge to SNF and LTC

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